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A Warm Welcome from Clare Rodway, MD of Kysen


D: +44 (0)20 3709 6310
M: +44 (0)78 0181 7000



Thank you for visiting the Kysen website. Here you can find out all about us - the services we offer and our distinctive approach to professional services PR. But, more than this, we hope the website will shine a light on how the professions promote themselves via public relations, social networking and roundtable events.

I began working in professional firms after the relaxation of Law Society rules on advertising and marketing in 1987. Since that time the professions have faced a number of challenges, and there is no doubt that we are in the midst of testing times again. Whether it's economic uncertainty exacerbated by the lingering effects of Brexit and the Ukraine war, adapting to the ever-changing regulatory landscape or embracing generative AI and other cutting-edge technology, our views on these and other big topics, as well as the many smaller issues we face daily, need to be communicated more precisely and rapidly than ever before if we are to compete effectively.

I believe the current challenge for communication professionals is to embrace new ideas and technologies to create integrated and creative campaigns that deliver a measurable ROI and to demonstrate an open and enlightened attitude - whilst not forgetting the traditional values of excellence, integrity and quality. At Kysen we believe in these values. I am proud of the Kysen team, the high standards we set and the excellent results we achieve consistently for our clients.

Please do contact me if you would like to find out more about Kysen and take a look at my blog, The Conversation.

Clare R